
One day life coaching

- Portfolio Review
- Photo session
- Review of the taken pictures
- Retouch in Lightroom and Photoshop

Duration: Ca. 6 - 8 hrs

650 €

Online Coaching

A two-hour coaching, tailor-made for you. You can choose to focus on a review of your pictures, ask me for tips for your photography, or we can focus on editing, it’s all your choice.

180 €

Portfolio review

In a one-hour online call, we will go through your portfolio, and you will receive helpful tips and tricks for your photography.

79 €

"Pick my brains" call

You have a very specific question or want advice on a special matter? This is the offer for you: A "pick my brains"-call (ca. 30 min).

49 €

Enter the next level of your photography

Take advantage of all the things I learned and the mistakes I made through my journey of becoming an equine photographer. Learning from those, who walked the walk is the fast lane for you. It won't prevent you from making mistakes or doubting your work here and there. But getting a second opinion and help will boost your confidence to go through those days with more ease - and help you becoming the photographer you dream to be.