Combining horses and architecture was something I had dreamt of for a long time! It was a whole new challenge and learning experience. While I love natural settings or minimalistic edits, I also enjoy leaving my comfort zone and exploring new areas. This was for sure not my last shoot in a castle!

This project was planned together with two German photographers on one of my trips. I love working with other photographers and exchanging ideas and experiences. This project is definitely a great example on how giving this can be!

Make your horse unforgettable

your seven steps guide

Do you know this feeling in the stomach when thinking about, that it is a limited time you are sharing with your horse during this lifetime? You wished it was immortal.

But as heart wracking as it is, they are not and one day you will have to say goodbye.

But on all the others not!

The only true possibility to make your horse immortal is, to enjoy those years you have together to the fullest. Now let’s do exactly that. Sign up and receive your 7 steps guide to create this unforgettable bond!

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